Alexander I. Priven, Oleg V. Mazurin


Comparison of methods used for the calculation of density, refractive index and thermal expansion of oxide glasses


Glass Technology, vol. 44, no. 4, August, 2003, p 156-166


Abstract: A generalized criterion "epsilon" for evaluating the quality of glass property calculations is proposed. This criterion permits the comparison of the quality of existing methods of calculation of a given property in a given composition area. Values of "epsilon" for ten of the most well known calculation methods and a new method by Priven are compared. The SciGlass Information System containing experimental property data for more than 130'000 glasses* was used. Recommendations concerning the selection of the best methods of glass property calculations in various composition areas are made.


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* The current version of the SciGlass 6.5 database contains 267'000 glass property data.