Thermal expansion of silicate glasses at 210°C (PDF, 360 kB)

Measurement methods, glass thermal expansion


Thermal expansion data for more than 5500 compositions of silicate glasses were analyzed statistically. These data were gathered from the scientific literature, summarized in SciGlass. The analysis resulted in a data reduction from 5500 glasses to a core of 900, where the majority of the published values is located within commercial glass composition ranges and obtained over the temperature range 20 to 500°C. A multiple regression model for the linear thermal expansivity* at 210°C, including error formula and detailed application limits, was developed based on those 900 core data from over 100 publications. The accuracy of the model predictions is improved about twice compared to previous work because systematic errors from certain laboratories were investigated and corrected. The standard model error was 0.37 ppm/K, with R² = 0.985. The 95% confidence interval of predictions for glass in mass production largely depends on the glass composition of interest and the composition uncertainty. The model is valid for commercial silicate glasses containing Na2O, CaO, Al2O3, K2O, MgO, B2O3, Li2O, BaO, ZrO2, TiO2, ZnO, PbO, SrO, Fe2O3, CeO2, fining agents, and coloring and de-coloring components. In addition, a special model for ultra-low expansion glasses in the system SiO2-TiO2 is presented.


* The linear thermal expansivity is the first deviation of the expansion curve dL / (Lo*dT). The linear expansivity at 210°C is practically equal to the average linear thermal expansion coefficient recorded at 100-300°C.

A simple glass thermal expansion calculator based on Excel (0.25 MB) can be downloaded here.

Older Glass Thermal Expansion Models

Source data references used for establishing the thermal expansion model of silicate glasses at 210°C, mostly given in the SciGlass database:


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